Thursday, January 22, 2009

Way Back When

WOW - Way back when - they called these "journals" or "diaries" and they weren't meant to be shared with anyone, just your own thoughts to be hidden away. My sweet DIL (daughter-in-law) Lisa actually inspired me to start this one. I enjoy reading her ramblings and hearing her thoughts on everyday life. I hope that my blog is as interesting as hers - cept from an "much older" point of view of course.

I retired last October, looking forward to sleeping in, spending time with my hubby, not having to drive to work in the snow, and traveling. I do admit that there are days that I go stir crazy in the house and use any excuse to go shopping, even if it's to run down the street for a gallon of milk at 8:00 at night! These dreary days of winter with no sunshine - I'm so looking forward to Spring. I know it's just around the corner because there are violets blooming in my backyard - no kidding!

I.m taking beading classes at the Nampa Rec Center. I have had one class so far, and another tonight, and I'm afraid I'm already hooked! I hope you like jewelry because I'm pretty sure anyone I know will inevitably be the proud owner of an original Gma Jo piece. I was so proud of myself today, stringing together three strands of beads for a necklace. Then, just like in the movies, there were beads all over the place. Oops, forgot to tape one end of the wire to keep them from coming off! LOL After crawling around on the floor picking up pearls, facets, and umteen teeny tiny seed beads, Dick thought we should get our grandson Dylan to come help pick up the mess. All I tthought was how dusty the kitchen floor was!

Well;, off to learn more about beading and perhaps save someone else from my mistake.


  1. Crazy is a nice place to be, think about it: everyone knows you there AND you don't have to explain yourself!!

    Now if I see a spectacular picture on your travel journal do I have your permission to print it and paint it for selling/gift purposes?

  2. Hey mom... your a blogger now. Your beautiful sunset picture made it into the paper. Tobi brought me a copy to give you.

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