Friday, March 13, 2009


Whoa .... remember Friday nights??? Couldn't wait for school to get out so you could meet up with your buds - whole weekend free. Remember: Keggers? Woodsies? Marty's parties? Dragging the Boulevard? Hangovers?

Whoa .... I'm spending the night at Sandy's house and she's spending the night with me!

Whoa .... Action at the local circle race track, shopping, talking about boys, hanging effigies on the water poles that stuck out over the roadway? Sneaking in the drive-in in the trunk of the car?

Whoa .... I'm spending the night at Linda's house and she's spending the night with me!

Whoa .... Running in the pouring rain, playing football in the median of Nevada Avenue, snowball fights??? Football games?

NOW .... Friday evening with The Dog Whisperer, glass of wine, 9:30 bedtime .... Whoa! What happened?

Happy Trails ....


  1. You have to remember that when you are retired every day is FRIDAY! You get to spread the fun out over seven days instead of just one.


  2. Well last night was FRIDAY and we hopped in the Mustang and had dinner at the Westside drive-in wuth the "Mustang Gang" then went "dragging Main St." and were still home for the 9:30 bed time. When you get older you are just more efficient than when you young.


  3. Dear Grandma Jo ... please PLEASE tell your hubby that he made my day with his comment on Rick's blog post: "I RESEMBLE THAT BLOG." I let loose such a bray of donkey laughter that I doused not only my monitor but my entire studio desk top & my cat, who was sleeping beside my lapto! Also, I have NOT stopped giggling since -- that was 15 minutes ago. BRAVO!!! That comment is also the reason I came to visit your blog!

    p.s. 9:30? who EVER sees 9:30? Or finishes an entire bottle of beer? And I'm not even 50 yet -- I'm scared!


Always glad to hear other comments and opinions!